Of course, we can provide representative samples. But where mass is concerned, there is sometimes a lack of class. Even with large samples, we don’t want to lower our sights in one respect. Whoever is questioned by us should keep the conversation in good memory. Thus, we ensure that our most important partners – the participants in our surveys – will continue to be willing to participate in the future. And with our efforts, you too can be sure that your company will not be associated with dubious acquisition calls or fake market research in the same breath.


Countless and yet individual. A good
telephone survey combines the requirements for standardization and the requirements for a pleasant telephone call. In other words: class and mass! But quality has its price. In the future, we will not compete with call centers that have their roots in other industries. The price the market research industry has to pay for this is too high for us.


Respectful and polite.  Even if we talk to many people, every conversation remains an individual challenge. And especially in direct contact with each other. Interviews, whether in the studio, at the POS or at the interviewee’s home, require care that goes beyond the methodical demands. Only those who earn their trust receive honest answers.



Knowing who you are talking to. This applies to both sides.
Also online we attach importance to a personal contact. This means that we are personally available to our counterparts. By telephone or in writing. The respondents appreciate this as they feel that we value our respondents. And for us this means that we know exactly who is answering. This helps us to make recommendations without hesitation.