For us, the highest benchmark for quality is the client’s requirement, which must be in line with the research design. This means, on the one hand, that in times of tight budgets it does not need to be more than necessary. On the other hand, it also means that no savings must be made on the foundation. Therefore, even with tightly calculated budgets, some measures are indispensable. The quality of a research project is determined by the quality of the sample and the survey. Without careful recruitment of respondents, each analysis is worth only half of what it is.


For us, quality means being open-minded in the choice of method.
Whether telephone interview (CATI), online interview or personal interview: The method is determined in dialogue with the client depending on the research objectives. Qualitative methods can also be given preference over quantitative methods, if this is the more efficient way to implementation-oriented results.


The choice between qualitative or quantitative
instruments is not an exclusion criterion for us: We are at home in both worlds! This flexibility in the choice of methods, which is not subject to any standard instrument, guarantees quality of results with efficient budget use. For us, quality also means being independent in the choice of method.


Quality does not come by itself. Therefore we establish clear rules: For the employees of the institute, for our interviewers, but also for our external partners. Without clear rules, no reliable data can be collected. Those who work with us must share this conviction.