On Track of holidays

The importance of holidays has steadily increased over the past decades, as have the demands made by guests on the tourist product. Increased travel experience is raising expectations and demands on holidays ever higher – in the face of ever more intense international competition. For this reason, tourism planning can no longer be based on „gut feeling“ alone, but must be based on professionally collected data that is reliable. Our aim is to provide you with this basis for your decision making.


Destinations are more than a mixture of
geographical location and the sum of the tourist offers. Destinations are a promise and sometimes also the dream destination. But how is your destination perceived, which promises do you keep and do you thereby meet the wishes and desires of the holidaymakers? Like brands, destinations are independent personalities. We look for you into the imagination of your guests: with qualitative methods such as group discussions. Do you need quantitative data that provides a representative picture of your target groups and market potential? Using quantitative methods such as telephone interviews (CATI), we provide you with planning data.


Stand out from the mass of travel providers with new concepts – be it with a new catalog or new forms of travel. But what are the strengths and weaknesses of an offer, what is the right customer approach and do self-image and customer perception match? The same conditions apply to holidays as to other economic goods: the best idea wins!

We test your concepts in the target group – with
coordinated methods.

The number of different holiday offers is constantly growing and the complexity of finding the right holiday (resort) for one’s own needs is increasing.


Tourism is in many cases a very complex entity. Here it is important to keep an overview and to gain certainty. Whether data mining or quantitative research concepts. Some big questions can only be approached with large databases.

The determination of economic effects or the
analysis of target group potentials: We help you to find simple answers to big questions. Based on our experience and the appropriate statistical methods.