Our aspiration

There is an idea behind T.I.P. BIEHL & PARTNER: Driven by curiosity and the constant urge to want to know more, we inquire about the world. The experience of more than 35 years of the institute’s history and the knowledge gained from it help us to do this. Successful market research thrives on cooperation with our clients. We are certain that prefabricated research concepts rarely meet our clients‘ requirements. Research with T.I.P. BIEHL & PARTNER focuses on the individuality of the research problem. Our aspiration for the research process results from this.


in our methods

We’ll tell you why we’re going down a particular road. Showing what works and what doesn’t, which limits and opportunities different methods offer to answer a question.

in the research process

The research process is not a black box. With us, you experience research up close, and if you can’t be there, we keep you updated.

in the presentation of results

You do not need to look far to know that at T.I.P., we deliver clear links between facts and conclusions.


in the research process

Your question inspires us. Together with you we would like to use this inspiration to discuss, uncover and deepen.

through open-mindedness

Inspiration lives on open-mindedness. Even with routines and recurring questions, there is always something new to discover and new ways to explore. Thinking ahead instead of reproducing.

through results

Not only presenting facts, but thinking about potentials, showing new ways. The status quo is not enough. We think the results forward and take a look into the future.


in describing the problem

Asking the right questions to understand your problem, to translate it quickly and appropriately into the right research design. That is our aspiration.

in execution

Whether with own resources or a proven partner. After 35 years we know many ways and safe paths.

with practical relevance

To the point and with clear recommendations for action.

in der Problembeschreibung

Die richtigen Fragen stellen um ihr Problem zu verstehen, um dies schnell und angemessen in das richtige Forschungsdesign zu übersetzen. Das ist unser Anspruch.